Harry looked quite worried. Cynthia couldn't help but burst out laughing at his discomfiture. She pressed home her advantage. “I bet you have a new assignment waiting for me. Who would work on the case if you discharged me?" Harry had forgotten about the Commie spies. The change of expression on his face gave his thoughts away. "Why, yes, I did have another case pending," he admitted.
"Like keeping track of these characters?" the girl suggested. From her purse, Cynthia pulled a newspaper photograph under the headline “Red Diplomats Land at Dulles." "I clipped it from the paper I read on the flight back," she explained, holding it under his nose.
Harry was taken aback. "Why, yes, that's exactly what I had in mind. How did you guess?"
"Feminine intuition, perhaps. Now, a woman can do this job as well as a man. Better, in fact-she can get closer to them." Cynthia struck a seductive pose to show what she meant. "Futhermore, I know I can do better than just watch them. Now that I'm a woman, I have the power to boggle men's minds,” she continued.
Harry's mouth began to open.
"Just sit still a minute and listen to my plan. That dignified-looking guy in the middle isn't the real leader – just a front, as you very well know," referring to the photograph, "But I know who is!"
Harry didn't. That was the first thing he needed to find out. Cynthia had him bristling with curiosity.
"It's that ratty-looking little shrimp, second from the right," she dis- closed, scratching the face with the pointed tip of her finger, "I tangled with him in Berlin - a real mean character-colonel in their Secret Police. And boy, do I have a score to settle!"
"Well, how do you propose to set about it?" Harry asked, showing some interest.
"He fancies himself as a lady-killer, but likes to humiliate women when he's done with them. I know how I can get him to fall for me, and when I'm done with him, he'll never want to mess with girls ågain. Now, we all know that affairs are tolerated in this business-that's a fringe